I am you and you are me
Together we’re a stronger we
We are they, and, they are us
Guess we’ll need a bigger bus

Where we going? It’s our call
We get there only if we’re ALL
When all we have, is all we got
There’s nothing ever we cannot

But, none too soon I must say
On ego’s watch we’ve lost our way
Our we has now regressed to I
Us and ours relapsed to my

When my goes solo we’re apart
While we loves me to be a part
Of what it’s like from inside you
Till I become who you are too

By being you, I’ll be your voice
Speaking out for your best choice
And, if you’d like the same to do
You can be my point of view

For we are not our differences
Or predetermined inferences
The more we bless from all we came
The more the truth, we’re all the same

Yes, you are me, as I am you
And, we are they, forever true
When all is over, said and done
There is no other, WE are ONE