Forgiving…Our New Thanksgiving? What if we no longer need to forgive?

Forgiving is for giving… Both perpetrator and victim, Permission to transcend our transgression, Into the higher state of healing humanity, Where wrongdoing no longer holds us hostile…   Forgiving is … For giving God’s grace to our grievances… Absolution through shared accountability… Co-opting our co-created conflict, Converting relationship crisis into Read more…

“Blood” Brothers

Profiled, vilified Exiled, crucified Criminal, criminalized Victim, victimized Disrespected, unprotected Suspecting and suspected Vigilant and vigilante Threat and threatened Armed and harmed Dangerous and endangered Wanted and unwanted Prejudiced and prejudiced Minority and minority Accused and accuser Persecuted and prosecuted “Blood” brothers…bloodying one another… Black and blue rendering our streets Read more…