Each morning reflexively, I reach for my mask
For the last 5 months, it’s my Covid-safe task
Still four years in, I don my Trump blindfold
Procrastinating, waiting…till my vision’s paroled


Transfixed appalled, I continue to rotten
My courage to fight back… all but forgotten
Four years later, I’m depressed and ashamed
My nation’s only worse, and I’m one to blame

What kind of America, hires this kind of evil?
I’ll tell you whom… it’s me “we the people”
“In order to form a more perfect union”
I’ve resigned my soul to unholy communion

How weak I’m protesting, settling for bitching
He’s not just a prickle that goes away itching
Now so immune to Trump daily vomitus
I’m a brain dead disciple of GOP incompetence

I have sold my love, for possessions accrued
To expedience, paranoia, fake alternate truth
I sold out America to duplicity preached
Now I live quarantined with my values impeached


Awaken America to your criminal empire 
With your vote either, we survive or expire
Do we pledge despotic our third world nation?
Or liberate our country from self-depredation

Criminal means justify… criminal ends
And, it’s our ‘crim’ empire, America ‘amens’
Self-serving cowards of privileged bliss
White skin entitled…while others blacklist


Remember when proud of America, justly?
We modeled our globe for living robustly
Leaders of free world, revered, even envied
Our democracy/capitalism shaped us transcending

Now, “liberty and justice for all,” lies dying
“The republic for which… we stand,” stands lying
With Wall Street-club corporate, kleptocrat “haves”
Our “nots” are left sentenced to scrambling for scraps


You coattail enablers of his criminal empire
You’re not better Americans, you’re just better liars
Crippling Constitution, your only way ahead
You’re the worst of our enemies… traitors in bed


Our war’s not about disparities political
Not even those liberal… against hypocritical
We’re indicting America’s pandemic primeval
Convicting conspirators and their schemes illegal

So, do not pretend this election’s about issues
We’re rescuing America from ungodly abuses
Like state hijacked media of plotted subversion
Gaslighting us with lies, till facts lie uncertain

So much truth perjured, then barefaced denying
We no longer lie down… to your insidious lying
Fabrication fatigue is legit mental illness
America insane as brainwashing kills us


Warmongers assaulting peace loving doves
Leaves peace no choice but to lace up our gloves
It’s life or death now for our nation in waste
We take back our virtue, or succumb to your fate

Priority: America’s criminal machine
Eliminate imposters, eradicate regime
It’s our time to avenge, it’s your time to worry
When November 3rd rolls… we’re your judge and jury


Just in:         It’s Not Too Late?
There’s still time to mirror the honorable Lebanese
Whose government stood down from their treacheries
What noble way to end, Donald…parading your shame
Your first love starved act… of uncorrupt fame