Reckoning the paradox of Trump and evangels
It’s marriage to convenience, ordained by fear
Donald truth phobic, self-medicating scandals
And, God-fearing Christians, who suffer sin’s smear

God fearing, inherent…is condition of faith
Chasing salvation…so frightened of wrong
Resigned to perdition, as predestined fate
Condemned by their Satan, to evil prolonged

Anointing Trump savior, pardons their sinning
Absolving each other as faux jesus christs
Relieved of conscience, redemption convincing
Lightens their dread of becoming browned whites

Trump preaches hate thru immaculate hypocrisy
Purging his guilt as their ethnic cleanse priest 
Protecting Coalition and corrupt meritocracy
Rewarding his most, by displacing our least 

Supremacy worships this profane union
Self-saving bigots of raging caste fears
That’s why his xenophobes, prey on inclusion
And, why we’d best pray that GOD interferes