What if we no longer need to forgive?
Forgiving is for giving…
Both perpetrator and victim,
Permission to transcend our transgression,
Into the higher state of healing humanity,
Where wrongdoing no longer holds us hostile…
Forgiving is …
For giving God’s grace to our grievances…
Absolution through sharedaccountability…
Co-opting our co-created conflict,
Converting relationship crisis into deeper bonding
Forgiving is:
Answering to the damage I’ve inflicted upon you…
Internalizing all shame, remorse and regret…
Amending my actions with louder than words…
Shifting my sinner into best of my saint…
Forgiving is:
Honoring God’s merciful clemency
Forgiving myself as I’ve been forgiven
Declaring that I am not my crime
Recommitting to my higher self
Forgiving is:
Forgiving me…for taking meout on you…
Or, scolding myself so excessively,
Chastising exonerates me from changing,
Saving sorries for me…not the deserving, you…
Forgiving is:
Releasing you from responsibility,
For my reactions to what you said or did…
For myself serving expectations,
That you should be howIwant you to be!
Forgiving is:
Rejecting my claim of inflated casualty…
Declining to exaggerate my suffering…
Refusing to ride reckless resentment,
To the rescue of my wounded pride…
Forgiving is:
Letting go of what I imagined I wanted,
For that which I didn’t know I needed!
Discovering direction inside my dejection…
Pouring my pain into loftier purpose…
Forgiving is:
Penance for perverting the intent of forgiveness:
Deviously disingenuous ritualizing,
Premature pardoning that forgives to forget,
Or, expedient apologies just to amputate guilt…
Forgiving is:
Re-ascribing roles when hurting each other:
Rechristening perps as spiritual change agents,
Camo’ed instigators blowing up our resistance to evolve,
Rewarding alleged victims fresh options for restoration…
Forgiving is:
Finally forsaking the fallacy offault!
Banishing all blame; soldiering mutual liability…
Liberating God’s benevolence inside every battlefield,
Proving two wrongs do indeed make right!
Forgiving is:
Man-kind…outgrowing stipulation to forgive…
So that next time when I afflict you,
As you most assuredly will, harm me…
We actually find merit in anguish we’ve wrought
Forgiving is:
Taking forgiveness to its celestial next
Where there is no longer need to forgive
Celebrating clash, differences served
Confessing our blessed, enlightened gratitude
For forgiving …our new Thanksgiving!