Through the blinding illusion of flawed,
Squint perfectly imperfectbeings of God…
Perfect existing because we just are
Imperfect our congenital beauty scar…

Blemished presumes humans maligned…
Chronically overcoming…forever behind…
Doomed to deficit, fated to fault,
Inherently frail against earth’s assault…

Yet, in weakness dwells strength for our load…
Each misstep our GPS to high road…
Every error humbles prideful reckoning,
Shaming us en route to loftier beckoning…

Transgression perfects forgiveness its ally…
If not for God’s grace surely go I…
If the game of life is finding one’s Grail,
It’s won by imperfect, fearless to fail!

But, have we gone wary playing to survive?
Living not to die…simply staying alive?
Deserting our destiny for fear of mistakes,
Defining fellow man asthe bad he makes!

Exhuming history for character bereft…
Exiling our brothers till nobody’s left…
Pledging to forgive, while never forget,
Though not forgetting just hedges our bet…

As you shine light on my faults you reflect,
I project my dark on your alleged defect…
Will I exonerate me by censuring you?
Or honor my blame in our quarreling two?

What if we’re accomplices, illuminating each other?
Beholding our grace through the lack of another…
Imperfectly perfect at the soul of our being,
Our failings essential for Godliness seeing?

Sins of perfection, whose morals now turning,
Appearances wrong into righteousness learning…
As imperfect invoking “death do us part,”
Evolves us enlightened, perfect, ONE HEART!

Categories: poetry